
Showing posts from March, 2021

7G Schedule: March 29-April 1

 1.  A Confirmation Packet with details about rules, procedures and fees will be sent out later this week. Students have until April 16th to supply their sponsor's name and saint's name. 2.  On Wednesday, there will be a grammar test and a vocab test. Those students who are distance learning must either come to school at 3 PM to take the tests or have their parents email me and make arrangements to give the students the test in their presence (with no access to electronics) and to send me an email of the answer sheet. 3. No school on Friday and minimum day on Thursday.  

Confirmation Dress Code

CONFIRMATION INFO I have had some recent request for details about how to dress for Confirmation. This dress code document will be sent home in a bigger packet next week, but I posted it to Google Classroom for the students today so I am also sharing it with you today. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    DRESS CODE FOR CONFIRMATION   BOYS:   • Boys should wear dress slacks, a long-sleeved dress shirt and a tie.  Of course, boys may also wear suits and ties or slacks and sport coats with a tie.  All dress shirts must be neatly tucked in.   • Pants must be neatly hemmed or cuffed at the heel .  A belt must be worn.   • Black or brown dress shoes must be worn with dark colored socks. No athletic shoes of any kind are permitted. No Vans and No Jordans   ABSOLUTELY NO JEANS, CARGO OR BAGGY PANTS, POLO SHIRTS OR ATHLETIC SHOES WILL BE ALLOWED. ...

7G Schedule March 22-26

 Confirmation is April 30th at 4 PM

STAR Test Reports

 There is no need to sign and return the STAR Test reports. That was the original procedure, but it was abandoned several years ago even though the format is still the same. 
 Confirmation:   April 30th at 4 PM    WE'RE OFF THIS FRIDAY

In N Out Certificates

 Parents: If your child was awarded an In N Out certificate it is only because the school received them for free and  five were guven to each class. Ms. Cottura and I used the old popsicle stick container to pull names at random. No more meaning than that.  I thought it wasn't happening until Thursday,  or I would have sent an explanation home. Mr. K.

Schedule March 1st-5th
