
Showing posts from April, 2021

Schedule Week of April 26th

Minimum Day Monday: Students dismissed at 12:30 PM. Please be prompt for pick up. Confirmation: Don't forget to fill out your RSVP form.   Must be filled out completely by Wednesday to attend the ceremony.  Of course, everyone must wear masks at the ceremony. Students should arrive no later than 3:40 PM. There is an assigned pew for seating for each family

7G Schedule Week of April 19th

 On Friday, we will have an online Confirmation Retreat led by an outside facilitator.  I think it's starting at 9 or 9:30 AM, but will find out and forward the info. These are the quizzes and tests for the week. I will email them to the distance learner's adult proctor on the day of the test.   Monday: Math quiz; 9:15 AM Tuesday: Vocab Chap Test 16 ; 11 AM Wednesday: Grammar Quiz; lessons 1-3; 8:15 AM Thursday: Religion Chap 6; 11 AM

New book to purchase

 We are starting the last book of the year. It is a non-fiction book about Teddy Roosevelt's exploration of the Amazon River after his presidency.  The Amazon link is a attached. Students can take out of a library or purchase it in any format, including E-book.  First test is April 29th so please help them get it soon.

7G Schedule Week of April 12th

As you will see, we will have tests on Tuesday in Religion and Thursday in Lit. I will send out the tests shortly before they will be taken. Please do not provide to students in advance and please make sure students do not use books, phones or iPads when taking them.