
Showing posts from December, 2020

Schedule 12/14-12/18

  Student Council has declared that this is Spirit Week.  Basically, it's free dress all week, but here are the official themes for Spirit Week.   If dressing up is not your thing,  just consider wearing a Santa Hat this week. Monday, December 14: Pajama Day Tuesday, December 15: Christmas Colors Day Wednesday, December 16: Flannel Day   (or Sports Uniform/Jersey Day) Thursday, December 17: Christmas Character day Friday is a distance learning day with minimal zoom calls like usual   PLUS its a minimum day and students should be done by noon.    

7G Schedule 12/7-12/11


7G Advent Video

I am attaching a sneak preview of the class's advent video that will be posted on the school website tomorrow.  All of the students did a great job.  Special recognition to our behind-the-scenes director/editor Vivian Nguyen for putting the whole thing together.  P.S. I posted and then removed this week's schedule and will post it later tonight. It was premature as I did not have Ms. Kane's or Mrs. White's entries included. Mr. K.